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Majica s tiskalnikom DTF

A DTF printer t-shirt is just a particularly good and method this is certainly innovative upscale your fashion game. This XURON majica s tiskalnikom dtf product that is revolutionary is amazing an innovative new amount of convenience and quality. Then read on to find out how it can be helpful you have never heard of it before for you when.

What is a DTF Printer T-Shirt?

A DTF printer t-shirt is really a publishing device that applies ink directly into the textile from the t-shirt. XURON tiskalnik za prenos dtf really is an alternative solution to transfer this is certainly old-fashioned, which departs a plastic-like layer on top associated with the shirt. This method of publishing has been in existence for quite a while, but recently it gives little be a higher level as a result of advancements in technology.

Why choose XURON Dtf printer t shirt?

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